News & media

29 April 2024
Our 2023 Annual Report is now available

From conservation and advocation to our ongoing efforts to empower the communities that share the land with us, you can read about our projects and initiatives over the past year in our 2023 Annual Report.

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3 November 2022
Big Conservation Breakthroughs for the Kwakuchinja Corridor

The true strength of the Chem Chem Association lies in the determination of those who come alongside us for the journey. Thanks to the unwavering support of generous benefactors and private donors, our continued resilience has been rewarded with an incredible new milestone...

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31 August 2023
Discover the heart behind Chem Chem in our new video

The Chem Chem Association’s incredible journey is paved with passion and endless hours of hard work — and, in our first-ever CCA film, we’re giving you a behind-the-scenes glimpse into what we do.

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23 March 2024
Airmail feature: where the wild things are

At Chem Chem in Tanzania, conservation has become the driving force of tourism — and the safari experience has never been better. Thanks to Chem Chem’s conservation efforts, many species have returned to the Kwakuchinja Corridor.

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20 December 2023
Burunge gets a remedy to eliminate human/wildlife conflicts through an electric fence

In a workshop organised by the Chem Chem Association, the leaders of the Burunge WMA community and the Babati council learned about the use of electrical fencing to prevent wild animals like elephants and lions from harming humans.

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18 December 2023
Burunge WMA and Babati District council to protect Kwakuchinja Corridor

Community leaders within the Burunge WMA have agreed to cooperate with the Council Director's Office and the government to manage the protection of the Kwakuchinja Corridor.

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9 December 2023
41 wildlife corridors endangered, the District Commissioner warns those who instigate conflicts in the protected areas

Tanzanian Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) declares that as many as 41 wildlife migratory corridors in danger of being lost due to increased human activity and appeals to communities to take action to protect these areas.

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4th February 2024
Two poachers nabbed over giraffe meat amid the animal’s population rise

TAWA’s special anti-poaching squad, with the support of the Chem Chem Association, arrested two poachers in Vilima Kituta for the alleged hunting and unlawful possession of giraffe meat the Babati District of Manyara.

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7th February 2024
10 VICOBA groups from Vilima Vitatu are given financial education training

The Chem Chem Association organised a successful three-day financial education workshop, providing training to the leaders of 10 VICOBA groups within the Burunge WMA.

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Our mission is to work in partnership with key stakeholders to deliver the best conservation practices to the Tarangire and Manyara ecosystems, while empowering local communities.

Chem Chem Association Maasai Mara Guardian Overlooking Tanzania